


MODEL # ______________________________________________



PROJECT NAME # ______________________________________


SIS # __________________________________________________

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601375 (K35U)

K35 VCM (s/s bowl) 1 SPEED
















115 V/1p/60Hz















601416 (K353U) K35 VCM (s/s bowl) 2 SPEED






























































Unit to be Electrolux Dito K35U or K353U K35 Vertical Cutter- Mixer. Electrical characteristics to be 115 V SINGLE-phase op- eration with 1 speed at 1800 rpm or to be 208-240 V THREE- phase operation with 2 speeds at 1800 and 3600 rpm. Vertical Cutter-Mixer designed for food processing in 3.7 quart quan- tities: puree, chop, blend, mix and knead dough. A compact design for operator convenience the K35 occupies minimal counter space. Housing constructed of plastic with rubber feet on base.

(for Model K35U)

With 5-15P￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿

Without 5-15P

(for Model K253U)

Approval: ____________________________________________

3225 SW 42nd Street, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 33312 • Telephone Number: 866-449-4200 • Fax Number: 954-327-6789


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Electrolux K353U, K35U, 601416, 601375 manual With 5-15P, 208-240 V/3p/60Hz, Model #, Sis #

K35U, 601416, K353U, 601375 specifications

The Electrolux K353U refrigerator is renowned for its advanced features and technologies that cater to modern households. Built with efficiency and convenience in mind, this model meets the evolving needs of consumers who prioritize both performance and aesthetic appeal in their kitchen appliances.

One of the standout features of the K353U is its Energy Class rating, which typically falls within the A+ or A++ range. This ensures that the refrigerator consumes minimal energy, reducing household electricity consumption and ultimately leading to lower utility bills. The unit is also equipped with a state-of-the-art cooling system that ensures consistent temperature throughout the various compartments, helping to prolong the freshness of food items.

The K353U incorporates the No Frost technology, a feature that eliminates the need for manual defrosting. This innovation not only saves time but also provides optimal humidity levels, keeping food fresher for longer periods. The intelligent airflow system works by circulating cold air evenly, minimizing temperature fluctuations and preventing ice buildup.

Another significant characteristic of the K353U is its adjustable shelving. Users can customize the interior space according to their needs, accommodating everything from large party platters to everyday grocery items. The fridge also features transparent drawers, allowing for easy visibility of contents without the need to rummage through the unit, thus fostering better organization.

The design is sleek and modern, available in several finishes that can complement any kitchen décor. The control panel is user-friendly and often features touch controls for temperature regulation, making it easy to adjust settings as needed.

Additionally, the K35U model, along with the variants 601416 and 601375, maintains consistent quality and performance. These models feature similar advanced technologies, ensuring that users benefit from the seamless integration of convenience and efficiency that Electrolux offers across its product range.

In conclusion, the Electrolux K353U and its related models exemplify the brand's commitment to quality and innovation in refrigeration. With their energy-efficient operation, advanced cooling technologies, and user-friendly design, these refrigerators are not just appliances but essential partners in maintaining a modern kitchen. Whether storing fresh produce, frozen goods, or leftovers, the Electrolux K353U ensures that food stays fresh and accessible, making it a valuable addition to any home.