Interval Cooking
The Interval Cooking method of preparation is particularly suitable
for starting the roasting of large joints of meat and for defrosting and
re-heating food portions cooked previously.
Interval Cooking table
Cooking on more than one oven level
Type of food
Interval Cooking
(Max. water amount 250ml)
in °C
in mins.
Reheating complete meal
6 plates, dia. 24 cm 110 15-20 2 and 4
Roast pork 1000g 180 55-65 2
Roast beef 180 55-65 2
Roast veal 1000g 180 45-55 2
Meat loaf, uncooked, 500g 180 30-40 2
Frankfurter / veal sausage 90 15-20 2
Smoked loin of pork 600-1000g
(soak for 2 hours) 180 35-45 2
Chicken 1000g 200 45-55 2
Duck 1500-2000g) 180 55-65 2
Goose 3000g 170 130-170 1
Fish fillets 90 10-1 5 2
Potato gratin,
Leek/potato gratin 190 40-50 2
Pasta ba ke 180 35-45 2
Lasagne 180 45-50 2
Misc. types of bread
500-1000g 190-200 50-60 2
Rolls 40-60g 210-220 20-25 3
Ready-to-bake rolls 30-40g 220 5-7 3
Ready-to-bake rolls 30-40g, fro-
zen 220 5-7 3