Bake with pre-heating 230°C
Ingredients for the pastry:
–250 g flour, plain
–125 g butter
–60 ml water
–1 tsp salt
–A little pepper and nutmeg
Mix together flour, butter and salt, add the water and knead together
briefly to form a pastry.
Leave the pastry to cool in the fridge for 1 hour.
Ingredients for the topping:
–100 ml mi lk
–150 ml sour cream
–150 g Gruyère or Emmental cheese, grated
–150 g bacon, diced
–150 g onions, diced
–Pepper, nutmeg
Lightly sauté the bacon and onions.
Whisk the milk, cream, eggs and seasonings together well, then mix in
the cheese.
To put the quiche together:
Roll out the pastry and lay it in a greased plain springform tin
(dia. 28 cm). Distribute the bacon and onions over it evenly and pour
the liquid mixture over them.
Setting Oven leve l Cook time Amount of water via
water drawer
P8 PIZZA 3 25 mins. ---
Ventitherm ® Fan Op-
erated Cooking
Setting Oven level Cook time Amount of water via
water drawer
P9 QUICHE LORRAINE 3 35 mins. ---
Ventitherm ® Fan Operat-
ed Cooking 190°C