RACK OF VEAL (for 4-6 people)
Take meat out of the fridge 1 hour before.
–1000 g saddle of veal
–2 tblsp groundnut oil
–Salt, pepper, paprika, a little mustard
Wash the saddle of veal and dry it with kitchen paper.
Mix the seasoning with the groundnut oil and use the mixture to coat
the meat evenly.
Sear the saddle of veal in a frying pan on the cooker over a high heat
on all sides for 10 minutes and place it in the pre-warmed tin.
Pyrex dish, ceramic dish or cast iron roaster
Cooking Pre-heat 120°C (10 mins.)
Low temperature cooking 80°C
•Core temperature 65°C
Setting Oven level Coo k time Amount of water via
water drawer
P11 RACK OF VEAL 2 80 mins. 200 ml
Interval Cooking