Englis h

Th ank you for ch oos ing an Ele ctrolux Cyclone

Pow e r vacuum cle ane r. Th e s e ope rating ins tructions cove r al

Cyclone Pow e r m ode ls . Th is m e ans th atw ith

your s pe cific m ode l, s om e acce s s orie s m ay notbe include d.


11* 12

10 *














1.Suction inle t

2.Dus tcontaine r indicator

3.Variable pow e r control

4.Cable re w ind button

5.On/offs w itch

6.W h e e l

7.Dus tcontaine r

8.Carrying h andle

9 . H os e

10 . Te le s copic tube *

11. M e taltube s *

12.Dualpurpos e floor noz z le

13.Com bination cre vice noz z le /brus h *

14.Uph ols te ry noz z le *

15.H ard floor noz z le *

16.Turbo noz z le *

17.Cartridge filte r

18.Prote ctor m e s h

19 . Park ing pos ition

*De pe nding on th e m ode l

Be fore you s tartus ing th e vacuum cle ane r,

ple as e re m ove large or s h arp obje cts from th e floor to pre ve ntdam age to th e dus t containe r and h os e .


Be fore placing into ope ration m ak e ce rtain

th atth e filte rs are in th e prope r pos ition.

20To conne ctth e h os e into th e s uction inle t pus h ituntilitclick s .

20To dis conne ctth e h os e from th e s uction inle t pus h th e button atth e e nd ofth e h os e .

Unw ind a s ufficie ntle ngth ofcable and ins e rt

th e

plug into th e pow e r s ock e t. A YELLOW

m ark

on th e pow e r cable s h ow s

th e ide al


le ngth . Do note xte nd th e

cable be yond

th e

RED m ark .


Pre s s th e ON/OFFbutton to s w itch th e














































































* De pe nding on th e m ode l


Re ad th is ins truction book le tcare fuly.

• Be fore

us ing th e appliance , ch e ck th atth e

m ains pow e r voltage

corre s ponds to th e


s h ow n on th e

rating plate .

Do nots w itch th e appliance on ifitappe ars to be faulty in any w ay or ith as a dam age d cord

or plug. Do nottry to re pair th e appliance


yours e lf. For re pairs

and acce s s orie s w e


atyour s e rvice


M onday to Friday from

8am to 6pm






• Alw ays re m ove

th e

plug from

th e pow e r


s ock e tw h e n th e appliance is

notin us e and

be fore carrying outany cle aning or


m ainte nance

ope rations .



• Ne ve r le ave

th e

appliance unatte nde d w h e n it

is s w itch e d on. Ke e p th e appliance outof re ach ofch ildre n.

Th is appliance is for dom e s tic us e only. Us e as de s cribe d in th is ins truction book le t.

Do notpulth e appliance by th e cord. Do not unplug by puling on th e cord. Do notus e th e

cle ane r w ith a dam age d cable . Ifth e cable dam age d, its h ould be re place d ata s e rvice ce nte r. Th is is notcove re d by th e w arranty.

Do notus e appliance on w e ts urface s or to vacuum liq uids , m ud, as h and burning cigare tte butts . Do notvacuum up any h igh ly

flam m able or e xplos ive

s ubs tance s or gas e s .

Th e s e m ate rials can caus e s e rious dam age

to th e

m otor - a dam age w h ich

is notcove re d by th e

w arranty.



• Do notunplug th e vacuum cle ane r w ith

w e t

h ands .

Do notope rate th e vacuum cle ane r too clos e

to h e ate rs and radiators , s tove s e tc.


appliance on. On initials tartup fulpow e r is re ach e d afte r approxim ate ly 1- 2 s e conds .

To re w ind th e pow e rcable , pre s s th e re w ind

button w ith foot, and guide th e cable w ith h and to e ns ure th atitdoe s notw h ip caus ing dam age .

• By m oving th e variable

pow e r control, th e

s uction pow e r can be

adjus te d.



Ne ve r ope rate th e cle ane r w ith outth e dus t containe r ins tale d.

Itis q uite

norm alfor th e

dus tbin indicator to


w h ils tus ing th e

cle ane r. Th e re fore be fore

you com m e nce

cle aning, turn th e

cle ane r on

w ith outth e tools

attach e d, ifth e

indicator is

activate d th e n ch e ck for dirty filte rs and cle an if ne ce s s ary.

32 Ifth e

dus tbin indicator is activate d th an firs tly

ch e ck

th e air inle tch anne lofth e appliance . If

itis clogge d by big pie ce s ofpape r, dus t, h air

or oth e r m ate rials th e n cle an it. Ifafte r

cle aning th e dus tbin indicator s taye s activate d ch e ck th e H EPA.

21 Re m ove th e dus tcontaine r from th e cle ane r.

22 Re m ove th e filte r s e tfrom th e dus tcontaine r by tak ing itin th e w ay indicate d in th e icon.

23Re m ove th e conte nts ofth e dus tcontaine r.

22Putth e filte r s e tback into th e dus tcontaine r.

21Putth e dus tcontaine r back into th e cle ane r.


Filte rs s h ould be re place d atle as ttw ice a

ye ar or w h e n th e y be com e vis ibly s oile d.

Dis conne ctfrom e le ctricaloutle tbe fore ch anging th e filte rs .







Page 2
Image 2
Electrolux ZSH720, ZSH710, ZSH730 operating instructions Englis h, De pe nding on th e m ode l

ZSH720, ZSH730, ZSH710 specifications

The Electrolux ZSH710, ZSH720, and ZSH730 are part of the brand's innovative vacuum cleaner lineup designed to enhance cleaning efficiency while offering user-friendly features. These models are appreciated for their powerful performance, advanced technologies, and ergonomic designs.

The ZSH710 is equipped with a robust motor that ensures maximum suction power, allowing it to effectively pick up dirt, dust, and debris from various surfaces. Its compact design makes it easy to maneuver, while the adjustable height feature allows for optimal cleaning across different carpet types and hard flooring. The bagless technology in this model ensures easy emptying and reduces the cost of replacement bags, making it both convenient and cost-effective.

The ZSH720 is tailored for versatility with its multi-cyclonic suction system. This technology helps to separate dirt from the air, maintaining strong suction power over time. A key highlight of the ZSH720 is its advanced filtration system, which captures allergens and tiny particles, making it an ideal choice for households with allergy sufferers. Additionally, the model boasts a large dust container, which means fewer interruptions for emptying during cleaning sessions.

In contrast, the ZSH730 emphasizes user comfort and practical design. It features a lightweight build, making it easy to carry and store. Its ergonomic handle is designed to reduce strain during prolonged use. The model includes an array of cleaning attachments, such as a crevice tool and upholstery brush, allowing users to tackle different cleaning tasks with ease. Furthermore, the ZSH730 incorporates a smart sensor that adjusts suction power based on the type of surface, optimizing performance for both carpets and hard floors.

All three models come with a sleek, modern aesthetic and are designed with durability in mind. They are also engineered with quiet operation technology, allowing users to vacuum without disturbing others. This blend of power, efficiency, and comfort makes the Electrolux ZSH710, ZSH720, and ZSH730 a strong choice for anyone looking to maintain a clean home environment. With their various features and capabilities, these vacuum cleaners cater to diverse cleaning needs while emphasizing user satisfaction and convenience.