A.6.2.6 Potentiometer
Feature Details
Potentiometer Format Single-ended
Operating Voltage Range 0 ~ 5 V supplied by the Guitar
Potentiometer Resistance 100 Ω ~ 1 kΩ … above this range, linearity is
affected detrimentally
Input Resistance 100 kΩ
Resolution 14 bit
A.6.3 Auxiliary Feedback Port (output mode YA[4]= 4) Feature Details
Emulated output
A, B, Index
Single ended
Output current capability Maximum output current: IOH (max) = 2 mA
High level output voltage: VOH > 3.0 V
Minimum output current: IOL = 2 mA
Low level output voltage: VOL < 0.4 V
Available as options Emulated encoder outputs of analog encoder
Emulated encoder outputs of the resolver
Emulated encoder outputs of the tachometer
Emulated encoder outputs of the potentiometer
Maximum frequency fMAX: 5 MHz pulses/output
Edge separation between A & B
Programmable number of clocks to allow adequate
noise filtering at remote receiver of emulated
encoder signals
Index (marker): Length of pulse is one quadrature (one quarter of
an encoder cycle) and synchronized to A&B
Figure A-2: Auxiliary Feedback - Encoder Phase Diagram
Guitar Installation Guide Guitar Technical Specifications
MAN-GUIIG (Ver. 1.1)