1.3 Directives and Standards
The Drum conforms to the following industry safety standards:
Safety Standard Item
In compliance with ISO-9001:2000 Quality Management
In compliance with UL508c Power Conversion Equipment
In compliance with UL840 Insulation Coordination, Including Clearance and
Creepage Distances of Electrical Equipment
In compliance with UL60950-1
(formerly UL1950) Safety of Information Technology Equipment,
Including Electrical Business Equipment
In compliance with EN60204-1 Low Voltage Directive, 73/23/EEC
The Drum servo drives have been developed, produced, tested and documented in
accordance with the relevant standards. Elmo Motion Control is not responsible for any
deviation from the configuration and installation described in this documentation.
Furthermore, Elmo is not responsible for the performance of new measurements or
ensuring that regulatory requirements are met.
1.4 CE Mark Conformance
The Drum servo drives are intended for incorporation in a machine or end product. The
actual end product must comply with all safety aspects of the relevant requirements of
the European Safety of Machinery Directive 98/37/EC as amended, and with those of the
most recent versions of standards EN60204-1 and EN292-2 at the least.
According to Annex III of Article 13 of Council Directive 93/68/EEC, amending Council
Directive 73/23/EEC concerning electrical equipment designed for use within certain
voltage limits, the Drum meet the provisions outlined in Council Directive 73/23/EEC.
The party responsible for ensuring that the equipment meets the limits required by EMC
regulations is the manufacturer of the end product.
1.5 Warranty Information
The products covered in this manual are warranted to be free of defects in material and
workmanship and conform to the specifications stated either within this document or in
the product catalog description. All Elmo drives are warranted for a period of 12 months
from the time of installation, or 18 months from time of shipment, whichever comes first.
No other warranties, expressed or implied — and including a warranty of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose — extend beyond this warranty.
Drum Installation Guide Safety Information
MAN-DRUIG (Ver. 1.0)