
Rating Specification


Power Supply

120V~ 60Hz


Microwave Output Power



Microwave Frequency



Oven Capacity

0.8 cubic feet





Outside Dimensions

18.1 (W) x 14.8 (D) x 11.4 (H) inches (460mm x 375mm x 290mm)





27.3 Lbs (12.4 kg) Approx.





Refer to the following checklist before you call for service.

If the oven does not work:

1.Check that the power cord is securely plugged in.

2.Check that the door is firmly closed.

3.Check that the cooking time is set.

4.Check for a blown circuit fuse or tripped main circuit breaker in your house.

5.Check that the Child Lock feature is not engaged.

If there is sparking in the cavity:

1. Check the containers, dishes￿￿￿￿or utensils￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿in the oven￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿and make sure5￿￿￿￿they55￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿￿'''are not-metal or￿￿￿7￿￿￿￿5have￿5￿metal trim.

2. Checks for and remove any qrease build up from cavity.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿2￿￿ ￿￿￿￿56￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿


Emerson Radio Corp.

Consumer Affairs Dept.

5101 Statesman Drive,

Irving, TX 75063.


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Emerson MW8889SB, 900W, MV1094F owner manual Specifications, Before YOU Call for Service, If there is sparking in the cavity

MW8889SB, 900W, MV1094F specifications

The Emerson 900W, MW8889SB, and MV1094F are three versatile microwave options that cater to a variety of cooking needs, making them ideal for home chefs and busy individuals alike. Each model boasts unique features, advanced technologies, and distinct characteristics that enhance usability and convenience in the kitchen.

The Emerson 900W Microwave is designed for efficient heating and cooking, featuring a powerful 900-watt output that ensures quick and even cooking results. One of its key characteristics is a succinct control panel equipped with a range of one-touch cooking buttons. This feature allows users to quickly select popular cooking tasks such as popcorn, pizza, and beverages, streamlining the cooking process. The spacious interior provides ample room to accommodate large dishes and containers, making it suitable for families or gatherings.

The MW8889SB model elevates microwave cooking with its sleek stainless steel design that seamlessly blends into modern kitchens. It also offers a 900-watt power output, ensuring reliable cooking performance. The MW8889SB is favored for its multi-stage cooking feature, which allows users to program cooking times and power levels for different stages of the cooking process. This technology is particularly useful for defrosting and cooking foods that require varied cooking time or technique. Additionally, the large digital display provides easy readability, while the child safety lock ensures that children remain safe when in the kitchen.

Moving on to the MV1094F, this model is distinguished by its 1.1 cubic feet capacity, making it an ideal choice for those who need a bit more space for larger food items. It also comes with a unique grill function that allows users to enjoy a crispy finish on their dishes, giving them the ability to prepare healthier meals without relying on a conventional oven. The intuitive control interface includes a combination of numeric keypad and one-touch buttons, giving users flexibility in their cooking choices while maintaining simplicity in operation.

In terms of safety, all three models are equipped with fundamental features including overheat protection and a turnaround function that prevents the microwave from running without the door being securely closed. Overall, Emerson's lineup of microwaves – the 900W, MW8889SB, and MV1094F – showcases innovative technology, user-friendly designs, and practical features that enhance the overall cooking experience for everyday users. Whether reheating leftovers or preparing a meal from scratch, these microwaves stand out in performance, convenience, and style.