
Rating Specification


Power Supply

120V~ 60Hz


Microwave Output Power






Microwave Frequency



Oven Capacity

0.9 cubic feet





Outside Dimensions

19.1 (W) x 14.6 (D) x 11.3 (H) inches



29.1 Lbs (Approx)





Refer to the following checklist before you call for service.

If the oven does not work:

1.Check that the power cord is securely plugged in.

2.Check that the door is firmly closed.

3.Check that the cooking time is set.

4.Check for a blown circuit fuse or tripped main circuit breaker in your house.

5.Check that the Child Lock feature is not engaged.

If there is sparking in the cavity:

1. Check the containers, dishes￿￿￿￿or utensils￿￿in￿￿￿￿￿￿the oven and￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿make sure they￿￿￿￿5are not55￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿￿'''metal-or have￿￿￿metal7￿￿￿￿5￿5￿trim.

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ ￿￿￿￿2￿￿ ￿￿￿￿56￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿


Emerson Radio Corp.

Consumer Affairs Dept.

5101 Statesman Drive,

Irving, TX 75063.


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Image 28
Emerson MW8997W Specifications, Before YOU Call for Service, Rating Specification, If there is sparking in the cavity

MW8997B, MW8997W specifications

The Emerson MW8997W and MW8997B are two innovative microwave ovens designed to cater to modern kitchen needs while delivering excellent performance. These models stand out not only for their sleek, contemporary exteriors but also for their advanced features that enhance cooking convenience and efficiency.

One of the main highlights of the Emerson MW8997 series is its compact design, making it an ideal choice for smaller kitchens, dorm rooms, or office spaces. Despite their size, both the MW8997W (white) and MW8997B (black) offer a generous interior capacity, allowing users to cook or heat multiple dishes simultaneously.

The microwave ovens come equipped with a powerful 900 watts of cooking power, which ensures rapid cooking times and even heating throughout. This powerful performance is complemented by the 10 cooking power levels available, providing versatility for various cooking tasks. Whether you're defrosting frozen food, reheating leftovers, or preparing a gourmet meal, the MW8997 models can handle it all.

Another significant feature of these microwaves is their one-touch cooking options. With dedicated buttons for popular settings like popcorn, pizza, and beverages, users can quickly select the desired cooking mode with just a press of a button. This user-friendly interface simplifies the cooking process and saves time in busy kitchen environments.

The Emerson MW8997 series also incorporates a digital LED display, which not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the units but also provides convenience during operation. The bright display allows users to easily read the timer, power level, and settings, even from a distance.

In terms of safety, both models include a child lock function, ensuring peace of mind for families with young children. This feature prevents unintended use and keeps children safe from potential accidents related to microwave operation.

Concerning energy efficiency, the Emerson MW8997 models are designed to consume less energy while maintaining high performance levels, making them an environmentally friendly choice for households.

Overall, the Emerson MW8997W and MW8997B microwaves are reliable kitchen appliances that combine stylish design with key features and advanced technology. Their compact size, powerful performance, and convenient user-friendly features make them a valuable addition to any kitchen, catering perfectly to the needs of the modern consumer.