1592028150 XWEB300D_500_500D stp GB r2.1 2012.06.22.doc
It is necessary to have a STATIC IP address for the XWEB 500 which is normally
assigned by the Provider of your internet services (ISP).
The Internet connection allows XWEB to be reached from al l PC-clients. Insert
the net address assigned by the administrator into the Browser address bar.
Bookmark the address with personalised name for the future connections.
Ask your provider for more details about the rent of a the static IP.
This the internet system requirements for the best result:
Wide band connection
At least 1 static IP address for the XWEB.
The internet connection is established through a device called Router that
receives and sends the data as interface between an Intranet and Internet. The
Provider also assigns the address of the router that is called IP WAN.
Remember that the default value of the IP of the XWEB is:
Depending on the contract the Provider can also sup ply the router, otherwise
the user can buy it separately.