Thank you for purchasing this LCD monitor produced by our company. This monitor uses a TFT (thin film transistor) liquid crystal display (LCD) panel, and it’s designed with high quality and highly efficient production technology to provide a more professional and consistent image quality to the user.Besides, this TFT LCD monitor is designed to save space and to offer different display positions, complying with the living space of modern age.Please read the instructions and precautions in this booklet before you start to use it.
Uses TFT (thin film transistor) active matrix color LCD (liquid crystal display) panel.Offers high resolution image.
15 ゚ forward and backward tilt flexibility lets you adjust to the most favorable angle. Low power consumption, low heat and zero radiation emission protect the user.
Check Package Content
After you open the package, make sure the following items are included. If anything is missing or damaged, please contact your local dealer or supplier:
TFT LCD Monitor
User’s Manual (including specifications)
Power Cord
VGA Cable
Audio Cable
Please read the following instructions carefully first to prevent unnecessary hazards. This manual should be retained for future reference.
Before you clean or move this monitor, make sure it is power off and the AC power cord is unplugged, so as to avoid accidental injury to the monitor or human body.
Please keep the radiator at the back of the monitor unobstructed.
Keep the monitor away from any liquid.
Some of the components and parts carry high voltage. To avoid unnecessary danger, please don’t disassemble the monitor yourself.
If smoke or cacophony comes out from the monitor, please disconnect the power immediately and get in touch with your local dealer.
Please don’t apply pressure onto the screen panel to avoid permanent damage.
Before you clean this monitor, please make sure the AC power cord is removed first, and please don’t spray liquid cleaner onto the unit directly. Clean the screen with a slightly dampened rag gently without applying excess pressure.
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