3. Press , keys to choose a
folder or file in the source device.
Use ENTER key to open a folder.
Use SET key to select a ll t he files
and folders to be copied. Press
SET key again to cancel the
selection. If t here is a file or
folder with same name in the
destination dev ice, an
"Overwrite ?" dialog box will be
popped up. Select [Confirm] to
overwrite. Up t o 8 items can be
selected at a time.
Press to move to destination
device box. If you select[Delete]
in step2, then a "Confirm to
delete ?" dialog will be popped up.
4. Select the folder to be copied to.
Use ENTER key to open a fold er.
Select <Create New Folder>,
you can create a sub folder in the
Press to move to confirmation
dialog box.
5. Select [Confirm]to proceed, or
select [Cancel] to abort. When
copy is started, a "Proceeding"
indication is shown on the top of
the screen.
ME3 can only write to a
USB storage devi ce with
FAT32 format.
The limit of the file size for
FAT32 is 4G.
To backup important files
in another storage device
is suggested.