Enter Run Info->
DA=1000 (Example)
1000’ ET=
The DA or OA will already be loaded. You should enter a 1000’ ET, a final
ET, and TS. The 1000’ ET is optional and is used for run completing. You do
not have to enter every run with a 1000’ time in order to use run completing.
The TS will only be entered if the unit is in TS MODE.
To use run completing press the ENTER key when prompted for the final ET.
If manual entry is desired you must select number 3. After selecting 3 the
following is displayed. ENTER AS
Altitude =1
Temp, Hum, Press =2
Press 1or 2
If 1 is selected you will have to key in the DA or OA value. If 2 is selected you
will have to enter the temperature, humidity, pressure, and oxygen values.
Then the DA or OA will be calculated.
Wind Correction:
If wind correction has been enabled you will be asked to enter the wind speed
and direction for each run entered.
Enter Wind Speed
Enter Wind Dir
Head=1 Tail=2
CH=3 Ct=4 Cross=5
The easiest way to enter a run is by starting from the main menu and
pressing the keys 3, 2, 1, and ENTER. Now all you have to do is type in
your ET’s and the run is stored.