Break in Procedures

It is VITAL that your new Veritasspeakers be allowed to
break In properly before you perform any precise set up
procedures, system adjustments, and before you play
them at higher volume levels.
The best method of performing the break in is to play a
full range musical passage at a moderate level as long as
possible. Utilizing the repeat function on your CD or DVD
player can assist greatly.
Optimum sound will not be achieved until approximately
100 hours of playing time. After break-in, the volume level
can be increased. Do not play the speakers at higher
levels until the break in process has been completed. The
transducers need to “loosen up”, and until this occurs,
damage can result to the transducers.

Set-Up Basics

There are three basic steps in the successful installation
of the system.
1) Decide where you wish to place the speakers
2) Connect the speakers
3) Adjust the controls where necessary
The most vital part of the set up procedure to realize the
goal of getting the best sound your room, and equipment
has to offer, is proper placement of the speakers. Please
wait until the speakers are fully broken in before
experimenting with precise speaker placement. There are
a few do's and don't's with regards to speaker placement.
1) With regards to the front speakers, try not to place
them too close or too far apart. The “1.5 times the
width” rule applies, and is required for good stereo
imaging from the front speakers. See the Advanced
Set Up section for details.
2) The center channel speaker needs to be centrally
located so that the dialog appears to be coming from
the center of the TV or Screen. See the Advanced Set
Up section for details.
3) The rear channel Veritas2.0R are quite flexible with
regards to placement, but still require care when
choosing the placement. Study your room carefully
and decide whether the side walls are best, or the
rear walls. The goal is to try to position the speaker
system around you, so that you are “surrounded” by
the information from the different channels. The
choice of rear speaker placement depends greatly on
the position of the listeners. The ultimate goal, is to
have the rear speakers approximately the same
distance from the listeners as the front speakers. If the
room's layout does not allow for this, then the basic
rule is to place the front and rear speakers in the
room so that they form a square or rectangle around
the listeners. More details are found ahead.

Advanced Set Up


The placement of the front speakers in relation to the
listener is absolutely critical. The perfect set up would
place the listener at the end of a triangle, with the
distance from speaker to listener being 1.5 times the width
between the two speakers. The minimum distance
between the speakers is 6-8 feet, any less and the stereo
imaging will be quite poor.
The optimum room shape would be a rectangular room,
with the speakers along the short wall, facing towards the
other short wall. Placement in corners, and against a wall
is not recommended. Try to keep the speakers, especially
rear vented models a minimum of 2 feet from the back
wall, and corner placement is usually the worst of all
possible places to put a speaker.
The ENERGY®design philosophy of Wide and Constant
Dispersion provides a wide image, and clarity off axis from
the speaker. For best results, utilize the side walls of the
room to enhance the size and depth of the image.
See Figure 1A.