Cell Phone Access
The Observer camera can interact with a cell phone via text messaging. Notification of external
trigger events will be sent to a cell phone, when enabled. The destination cell phone number for
notification is defined on the Network Settings page within the Observer. Selecting text
messaging as the notification type on the Operating Mode page will enable this function. The
camera will send a short message to the phone identifying itself and stating that it has been
triggered by external activity.
Once this feature is enabled via the configuration process, turn the phone on and go to the
Diagnostic camera web page and initiate the Notification test. A text message will be received if
the test succeeds.
If the camera is operated in the ON mode, it can be commanded in and out of “Continuous”
operation via a text message from a cell phone. Sending the message SM= N , where N ranges
from 1 to 99 will start the camera broadcasting images with a delay between images specified in
N minutes. Sending the text message SM=100, will stop the broadcasting of images completely.
The cell phone number of the camera, for this command, can be displayed by running the Modem
Configuration/Cellular Service test accessible on the Diagnostics page.
This feature is always available when the power switch on the back plate is in the ON (left)
position. It is unavailable when the camera is operated in the AUTO power mode. To test this
feature go to the Test and Troubleshoot page and select the “Receive Text Message” test. When
the message stating “Send Text Message” is displayed on the computer monitor, send the camera
any short text message and it will be displayed on the monitor when the test succeeds.
The plan from the cellular service provider for both the Observer camera and the cell phone that
will access or receive text message notification from the camera will need to include text
messaging (sometimes called short message service or SMS). If text messaging notification and
commanding the camera in and out of continuous mode is not required then this is not a concern.
Extra charges from the service provider may result from utilizing text messaging with the