Figure 9: Assembling Cast Skirt.
The back height of this unit can be set to one (1) of three (3)
heights; 1913/16” (503 mm), 2013/16” (529 mm), 2113/16” (554
mm). The hopper should be set to the maximum height that
can be used in the installation.
To change the height of the hopper up or down, remove the
seven (7) T-20 screws, three (3) on each side and one (1) on the
back. The screw placement is shown Figure 8. Move the hopper
assembly to the required setting and replace the screws. When
the hopper back is in place it is recommended that silicone is
used to seal the bottom lip of the hopper back and sides.
Figure 8: Screws to move hopper.
The cast skirt is a five (5) piece option that can be
installed when the front of the Empress FPI is going
to be lower then the back of the unit; ensure that
none are damaged before you proceed.
1. Using a ” socket or wrench connect the five (5)
pieces of the skirt together with four (4) screws
provided (see Figure 9). Do not completely
tighten the screws; the screws should be loose
enough that the cast pieces will be able to be
adjusted but notfall apart.
2. Gently put the Empress FPI on its back.
3. Using two (2) screws provided attach the cast
skirt to the bottom of the unit as shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 10: Installing Cast Skirt.