Routine Cleaning and Maintenance
ASH PAN (2-3 days)
Monitor the ash level every week. Remember that different pellet fuels will have different ash contents. Ash content is a good indication of fuel efficiency and quality. Refer to “Warnings and Recommendations” for disposal of ashes. DO NOT PLACE UNBURNED OR RAW PELLET FUEL IN ASH PAN.
Vacuum the ash pan and inside the pedestal. CAUTION: BECAUSE THE FLY ASH IS VERY FINE, THE USE OF A FINE FILTER VACUUM BAG WILL BE REQUIRED TO PREVENT ASH FROM BEING BLOWN BACK INTO THE ROOM. Please pay special attention that there are no hot ashes in the firebox or there could be a possibility of a fire hazard inside the vacuum cleaner. Place all hot ashes into a
The EF3 pellet stove freestanding’s ash pan is located under the burner, in the pedestal, and has a latching mechanism to secure it. To remove the ash pan, unlock the latch on the ash pan and then pull the pan out.
The EF3 pellet stove insert’s ash pan is located behind the lower grill.
The handle for the heat exchanger cleaning rod is pointed out in Figure 7. This handle is to be pulled back and forth a few times (ONLY WHEN THE UNIT IS COLD) in order to clean away any fly ash that may have collected on the heat exchanger tubes. As different types of pellets produce different amounts of ash, cleaning of the tubes should be done on a regular basis to enable the unit to run efficiently.
Inspect periodically to be sure that it is not clogged with any foreign materials.
Heat exchange |
tube cleaner rod |
Figure 7: EF3 Heat exchanger rod.
Removal of the firebox backing for bi-annual cleaning:
•Remove the top baffle.
•Lubricate and then remove the seven (7) screws that hold the brick liner in place. Tilt the top of the brick panel towards the firebox opening and remove from the firebox
•Remove the top rod by first removing the screw that holds it in place, then slide the rod sideways
•Pull the side panels into the center of the firebox, then out
•Pull the center panel out.
•Clean and vacuum all passages thoroughly.