2.1.2 CarriageMovement Mechanism
The carriage movement mechanism consists of the carriage assembly, carriage (CR) motor, timing belt,
driven pulley,home position(HP) sensor, etc. The CR motor drives thetiming belt. The carriageassembly is
connected to the timing belt, which is moved by the CR motor. Figure 2-2 shows the carriage movement
The printerdetects thecarriage home positionwith the HP sensor. This sensor is thebasis for determining the
carriage position. The HP sensor informs the CPU when the ca rriage isat the home position. The sensor is
ON, whenthe carriageis pushed tothe right or left. Thestriker on the carriageactivates the sensor to indicate
thecarria geis at thehome position, which togglesthe sensorto OFF.
Table 2-1. CR MotorAssembly Specifications
Category Requirement
Type 4-phase, 200-pole, HB-type pulsemotor
Drive Voltage 35 ±2.1 VDC
Coil Resistance 2.7Ω±10%, per phase, at 25°C (77° F)
Inductance 3.7 µH±20% (per phase, at 1K Hz 1 Vrms)
Figure 2-2 Carriage MovementMechanism
Operating Principles FX-2170 ServiceManual
2-2 Rev.A