2. PushTractor Method
Thepush tractor method is used with the rearor front entrance.
When the push tractor method is used with the rear entrance, the torque generated by the PF motor is
transmitted to the push tractor gear through the PF motor pinion gear, paper advance reduction gear, and
tractor reduction gear. When the PF motor pinion gear turns in the direction of the black arrow, the tractor
gear rotates in the direction of the black arrow, and thus feeds paper into the printer. Paper is advanced by the
platen andpape r tensionroller, which arealso driven by the PF motorthrough the geartrain.
When the push tractor method is used with the front entrance, the torque generated by the PF motor is
transmitted to the push tractor gear through the PF motor pinion gear, paper advance reduction gear, platen
gear, and gear train in the front part ofthe printe r.When the PF motor pinion gear turns in the direction of the
black arrow, the tractor gear rotates in the direction of the black arrow and thus feeds paper into the printer.
Paper is advancedby thepaper drive roller and platen, which arealso driven bythe PF motorthrough the gear
In the push tractor method, the release lever is set to one of the tractor positions to release the pressure
between the paper guide roller and the platen. Figure 2-6 illustrates push tractor operation when paper is fed
through the rear paper entrance. Figure 2-7 illustrates push tractor operation when the paper is fed through the
front paper entrance.
Figure 2-6 Push Tractor Operation Using theRear Paper Entrance
Operating Principles FX-2170 ServiceManual
2-6 Rev.A