Product Support Bulletin
SUBJECT: | MS Windows 3.x Stylus 400/800+/Color Printer Driver problems |
| using the |
Date: 11/5/94 | PSB No: PSB |
Page(s): 1 of 2 | Originator: DS |
This bulletin provides additional information to allow printer driver ver 1.03E for the Stylus 400, 800+ and Color printers to complete the installation process when connected to Epson
When attempting to install the 1.03E printer driver the following warning message appears:
“This driver cannot he updated because it is currently being used by windows. Wait until Windows is finished using the driver, and then try again.”
This is caused by a conflict with the Wingine 256 color video driver and the printer installation process. The following steps will help complete the installation:
1.Exit Windows to the DOS prompt, C:\>.
2.Change directories to Windows (Type CD\Windows ) Hit ENTER
3.At the C:\Windows prompt type SETUP and Hit ENTER.
4.After the SETUP screen appears, with the UP and DOWN arrows select the DISPLAY line. Hit ENTER.
5.A BOX will appear near the bottom of the screen containing video drivers. With the DOWN ARROW key, move through the drivers and find either a WINGINE 32k or 64k color driver or select the Windows VGA driver.
Hit ENTER. Hit ENTER two more times to exit SETUP.
6.Type WIN to load Windows. In the MAIN program group find
CONTROL PANEL and double click. In CONTROL PANEL find PRINTERS and double click. Continue with the printer installation from here.
7.After completing the installation, follow steps 1 through 4 to change back to the Wingine 256 color driver you wish to use.