2-2 Setting up the Printer with Your Macintosh
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1/27/99 Pass 0
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Miyazaki _______
Yamanouchi _______
Jacqueline _______
Connecting the Printer to Your MacintoshThe method you use to connect the pri nt er to your Macintosh
depends on whether you want to send prin t jobs directly to the
printer using the printer’s built-in serial i nte r face, or send print
jobs to the printer over a network using an optional interface card.
For information on using an optional interface card, see
Chapter5, “Using an Optional Interface Card”.
To connect the printer to a PC, see Cha p t er 1, “Setting up the
Printer with Your PC”.
Using the built-in serial interface
To use the printer’s built-in serial interface, you will need an
Apple System Peripheral-8 cable. Then follow the steps below to
connect the printer to your Macintos h.
1. Make sure both your printer and Mac intosh are turned off.
2. Connect one end of the interface cable to the serial connector
on the back of the printer.