Where to Find Information
Setup Guide (this manual)
Contains information on placing and assembling the printer, and
installing the printer driver.
User Guides
The CD-ROM shipped with your printer includ es
the following guides as well as the printer driver.
Microsoft® Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, or Netscape Navigator® 4.0
or later, must be installed on your computer to view the Reference Guide
and the Administrator’s Guide. Adobe® Acrobat® Reader™ 4.0 or later
must be installed on your computer to view the Quick Reference.
Reference Guide (HTML)
❏How to use the printer
❏How to solve problems
❏How to keep your printer in good condition
❏Safety information and technical specifications
Administrator’s Guide (HTML)
Provides network administrators with information on both the
printer driver and network settings.
Quick Reference (PDF)
Provides you with a list of LCD panel messages, solutions for
paper jam problems, and other information about your printer
that you may n eed to refe r to on a regu lar basis. W e recommen d
printing the guide and keeping it near the printer.