Certain images don't appear
If you use your computer to copy images to the document camera's internal
memory or an SD card, you need to make sure their format is correct:
•Images must be DCF-compliant JPEG files to be displayed, such as
from a digital camera. Avoid editing your images, as this may change
their format and prevent them from being displayed.
•Images must be named using the format ABCD1234.JPG, where ABCD
is any combination of upper- or lowercase letters and 1234 is any
combination of numbers. For example: Pict0001, Pict0002, etc.
•Images must be placed in a folder named DCIM\123ABCDE, where 123
is any combination of numbers and ABCDE is any combination of
upper- or lowercase letters. If this folder structure doesn't exist, first
create a folder named DCIM, then create a folder within it with the
desired name (for example, 100EPSON).
Image files don't have the correct time stamp
The document camera does not have a built-in clock. Therefore, when you
view captured image files from your computer, they won't show the actual
time they were created.
Problems Using a USB DriveImages stored on a USB drive are not displayed
The document camera's USB Mode setting may be set to Mass Storage.
Press the [Menu] button and select Function > USB Mode, then change the
setting to Application.
There are no images stored on the USB drive
The document camera's USB Mode setting may be set to Mass Storage.
Press the [Menu] button and select Function > USB Mode, then change the
setting to Application.
Image files don't have the correct time stamp
The document camera does not have a built-in clock. Therefore, when you
view captured image files from your computer, they won't show the actual
time they were created.
Problems Connecting a LaptopIf you've connected a laptop computer (s p.21) but the image doesn't
appear on the screen, check the following:
Hold down the Fn key and press the function key (such as or
CRT/LCD) that lets you display on an external monitor. On most
systems, the or CRT/LCD key lets you toggle between the LCD
screen and the projector, or display on both at the same time.
Check your monitor settings to make sure both the LCD screen and the
external monitor port are enabled. From the Control Panel, open the
Display utility. Click the Settings tab, then click Advanced. The method
for adjusting the settings varies by brand; you may need to click a
Monitor tab, then make sure the external monitor port is set as your
primary display and/or enabled. See your computer's documentation or
online help for details.
•Mac OS X:
From the Apple menu, select System Preferences, then click Display or
Displays. Select VGA Display or Color LCD, click Arrangement or
Arrange, and make sure Mirror Displays is checked.
Problems Using the Document Camera SoftwareThe buttons on the document camera don't work with the software
When you installed the software, the Button Manager and TWAIN Driver
for Epson Document camera (Windows only) weren't installed. Reinstall all
Problems and Solutions