If, on the other hand, you’ve set up a program to send a certain command to the printer, but it’s not printing correctly you could send the same command with a programming language to find whether the problem lies with your application program, the command, or the printer.
Sending printer commands with BASIC
You can send printer commands with any programming language. The examples in this manual are written in BASIC, because BASIC is included with most computer systems.
In most forms of BASIC, and in particular Microsoft* BASIC, the normal method of producing printed output is to use the LPRINT statement followed by the text to be printed enclosed in quotation marks, as shown below:
100 LPRINT "This text will be printed."
Individual printer control codes can be sent by using the CHR$ function with the LPRINT statement:
110 LPRINT CHR$(27);CHR$(@);
This line sends ASCII codes 27 and 69 to the printer, selecting emphasized printing.
Most versions of BASIC permit the ASCII codes in the CHR$ function to be given in either decimal (as above) or hexadecimal. Also, where the code corresponds to a printable character, the character itself can be quoted in the LPRINT statement. The command shown above could therefore be given in two other forms:
As you can see, Microsoft BASIC uses &H to denote hexadecimal numbers.
If you have another version of BASIC or a different programming language, consult the manual for the language to find the correct formats for these commands.
Using the ES with Application Programs |