Setting Options Description
User's Logo – Creates a screen that the
projector displays to identify itself
and enhance security
Projection Front Selects the way the projector
faces the screen so the image is
Front/Ceiling oriented correctly
Rear Ceiling
Operation Direct Power On Selects various operation options
Sleep Mode Direct Power On: turns on the
projector when you plug it in
Sleep Mode Timer
Sleep Mode: automatically turns
Lens Cover Timer off the projector after an interval
High Altitude Mode of inactivity
Sleep Mode Timer: sets the
interval for Sleep Mode
Lens Cover Timer: automatically
turns off the projector after 30
minutes if the lens cover is
High Altitude Mode: regulates
the projector’s operating
temperature at altitudes above
4921 feet (1500 m)
Standby Mode Communication On Selectswhether the following can
occur when the projector is in
Communication Off standbymode (on) or not (off)
• Monitor and control the
projector from a computer