1.Go into SETUP mode by pressing Key FEED and Key PRINT and turn power on at the same time.

2.The printer should print all list of the parameters:

-Printer emulation: ESC/POSTM *, CUSTOM DPT24, CUSTOM DPT42 or CBM iDP560RS.

-Protocol(1): No Addressable* or Addressable

-Baud Rate(1): 57600, 38400,19200 *,9600, 4800, 2400, 1200.

-Data length(1): 7, 8 bits/chr *.

-Parity(1): 7, 8 bits/chr *.

-Handshaking(1): XON/XOFF* or Hardware.

-Autofeed: CR disabled* or CR enabled

-Panel keys: Enabled* or disabled.

-Print mode: Normal* or Reverse.

With “ESC/POS￿“ :

Chars / line: A=32 / B=42 col. * or A=42 / B=56 col.

With “CBM iDP560RS“:

Font dimens : 18x24* 24 col. o 11x24 40 col.

With “CUSTOM DPTxx“:

Font type : Font A* o Font B.

-Speed: Normal* or Low.

-Offline(1)(2): Disabled* or enabled

-Print density: Normal*, Dark, Light.

Notes: The parameters indicated with a * symbol are the default values.

(1)NOTE: Parameter valid only on serial printer.

(2)NOTE: Using this parameter, it is possible to select whether the Busy signal is activated when the printer is both in Off Line status and the buffer is full, or only if the reception buffer is full.