8.Make sure ColorBurst Epson RIP is selected in the Printer Model or Print Using list.
9.Click Add to add the printer.
You see the ColorBurst RIP Print Server name in the printer list.
10.Close the Print & Fax window or the Printer Setup Utility. You’re ready to print to the ColorBurst RIP.
Mac OS X Clients Printing to a Windows RIP Server
These instructions are for Mac OS X 10.3.x through 10.5.x.
1.Make sure your computer is connected to the same network as the ColorBurst RIP server computer.
2.Insert the ColorBurst RIP DVD in a DVD drive.
4.When installation is complete, check the ColorBurst RIP server computer to make sure ColorBurst is running.
5.In Mac OS X 10.5.x or 10.4.x, select Print & Fax in Applications > System Preferences.
In Mac OS X 10.3.x, open the Printer Setup Utility in the
Applications > Utilities folder.