Product Support Bulletin
Subject: Image Editing Terms |
Date: 6/5/91 | PSB No: |
Page(s): 1 of 3 | Originator: RS |
The following terms’ are used to describe image editing and grayscale in connection with scanners, monitors and printers.
Additive The colors produced by mixing colored light. The primary Primary Colors: additive colors are red, green and blue. The absence of color
| produces black (0%); maximum intensity produces white (100%). |
| This principle is used in color monitors (RGB). By using 24 bits |
| per pixel it is possible to represent more than 16 million colors. |
Aliasing: | The jagged diagonal lines that appear in low resolution mode. |
| Usually noticeable on characters like ‘A” and VV’! |
Antialiasing : | The removal of the aliasing or |
Brightness: | The balance of light and dark shades. |
Continuous | The transition from light to dark or dark to light in a smooth |
Tone: | uninterrupted progression. Laser and dot matrix printers do not |
| support continuous tones. |
Contrast: | The range between the darkest and lightest shades of an image. |
| As contrast increases, the number of gray shades between black |
| and white decreases. |
Cropping: | An operation that allows portions of an image to be selected. |
| Usually pertains to scanning technology. |
Dithering: | A method of shading that uses black dots of varying density to |
| represent darker areas. This technology is used in devices that |
| only support black and white outputs. |
DPI: | Abbreviation for dot per inch. The standard measurement of |
| resolution for all output devices. DPI describes the number of |
| pixels in an image. |
‘Some terms taken from PC Publishing, Jan. 1990.