EPSON Endeavor WG
Processor Chips
If you have the 4SX/33 system, you can install an Intel OverDrive processor
Hard Disk Drive Types
The table below lists types of hard disk drives you can use in the computer. Check this table and your hard disk manual to find the correct type number(s) for the hard disk drive(s) installed in the computer. You need to enter the type number(s) when you set the hard disk drive configuration in the SETUP program.
Hard Disk Drive TypesSIMM Installation
There are two SIMM sockets on the main system board. To increase the amount of memory in the computer up to 128MB, you can install
The following table shows the possible SIMM configurations; do not install memory in any other configuration. Make sure that both SIMMs operate at the same speed. There is 4MB of memory soldered onto the main system board.
SIMM Configurations(SIMM1 | 1 S I M M 2 | 1 Total memory |
*Standard soldered memory **When SIMM is available
t This memory configuration disables the 4MB of soldered memory
* Actual size when formatted may be slightly different than the size listed on the drive label.
t Hard disk drive supported in translate mode
* Epson drives
5/3/93 | EPSON Endeavor |