Solving Problems
Check these sections for solutions to problems you may have using your product.
Checking for Software Updates
Printer Light Status
Running a Printer Check
Solving Setup Problems
Solving Network Problems
Solving Paper Problems
Solving PCL/PostScript Problems
Solving Problems Printing from a Computer
Solving Page Layout and Content Problems
Solving Print Quality Problems
When to Uninstall Your Product Software
Where to Get Help

Checking for Software Updates

Periodically, it's a good idea to check Epson's support website for free updates to your product software.
Visit the driver download site at (U.S. downloads or Canadian downloads).
With Windows, your standard Epson printer software automatically checks for updates.You can also
manually update the software by selecting Software Update here:
Right-clicking the product icon in the Windows taskbar
On the Maintenance tab in the printer settings window
On the Start screen (Windows 8) or in the EPSON program group under your product name (other
Windows versions)
Parent topic: Solving Problems

Printer Light Status

You can often diagnose problems with your printer by checking the printer lights.