Status Indicators
The 15 status indicators show the various operating
characteristics of the radio. The indicators show operat-
ing modes and conditions as follows:
SVC Trunked mode only.
ON - indicates the radio is in an EDACS
service area and is in communication with
the site controller via the control channel
FLASHING - indicates the EDACS is in the
failsoft mode (if enabled through program-
OFF - indicates the radio is out of range or
the control channel is not available.
CG Conventional mode only.
ON - indicates Channel Guard encode/de-
code is enabled on the selected conven-
tional channel.
BAT ON - indicates the battery pack’s charge is
low and needs recharging.
PVT Private
ON - indicates the group or channel is en-
abled to receive encrypted messages.
FLASHING - indicates an encrypted
transmission is being received.