Escient Vision VS & VC User’s Guide
Version: M51003-02A7 33
Supported File TypesVision supports the following audio and video file formats:
Audio File Format Import Encode
MP3 Yes Yes
FLAC Yes Yes
AAC(nonAppleDRM) Yes No
WAV Yes Yes
AppleLossless Yes No
WMA Yes No
Video File Format Import
ISO(encryptedMPEG2DVD) Yes
ISO(UnencryptedMPEG2DVD) Yes
VOB(UnencryptedMPEG2DVD) No
TS(rawtransportstream) No
MP4(MPEG4part2/h.263) Yes*
MP4(MPEG4part10/h.264) No
Escient Early Detection Monitoring System (EDMS)The VS Series Vision Media Server includes a feature called Escient Early De-
tection Monitoring that monitors the condition of Vision’s internal hard drives.
In the unlikely event of a problem with one of its drives, your Vision will notify
Escient Tech Support and your Escient dealer, using its Internet connection.
The Vision VS series actually contains a pair of identical internal had drives
that are configured in what is called a “RAID 1” configuration. RAID 1 means
that data is written to both drives simultaneously so that you always have an
up to date backup should you encounter a problem with one of them. If Vision
encounters a problem with one of your drives you should not use it any further
as you don’t want to risk having a problem with the other drive. If there is a
problem with both drives, all of your data could be lost.
Always follow the on screen instructions if the EDMS detects a potential prob-
lem with your Vision Media Server.