Essick Air EM-700P, EM-700S Safety Instructions, Rules for Safe Operation & Safety Decals

Models: EM-700P EM-700S

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Do not operate or service this equipment before reading the operating and maintenance instructions manual or serious injury may result.

Do not operate this equipment unless all guards and safety devices are attached and in place.

Stop the engine when leaving the equipment.

Block the unit when leaving or when using on a slope

Maintain this equipment in a safe operating condition at all times.

Caution must be exercised while servicing this equipment. Rotating and moving parts can cause injury if contacted.

Stop the engine before servicing, adding fuel and oil.

When towing, an adequate safety chain must be fastened to the frame, refer to page 9.

Keep all inexperienced and unauthorized people away from the equipment at all times.

Unauthorized equipment modifications will void all warranties.

Check all fasteners periodically for tightness. Also check towing tongue bolt, lock nut and wheel lug nuts for wear.

Wear safety glasses at all times when working around machinery.

Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug before allowing anybody’s hands in the mixing drum.

Never pour or spray water over the engine or electric motor.

Always stand clear of dump handle when mixer is in operation. Any binding of material between the mixer blades and drum will cause drum and handle to quickly move in the discharge position.

The safety instruction decals shown must be on all Essick Mixers




Caution Decal is: P/N EM948423


1.Do not operate or service this machine before reading the operating and maintenance manual.

2.Keep all inexperienced and/or unauthorized people away from equipment at all times.

3.Do not operate this equipment unless all guards and safety devices are attached and in place.

4.Keep this equipment in safe operating condition at all times.

5.Caution must be exercised while servicing this equipment.

Rotating and moving parts can cause injury if contacted.

6.Stop engine and allow to cool before adding fuel or oil.

7.Stop engine when leaving equipment.

8.Block unit when parking on a slope.

9.Unauthorized equipment modifications will void all warranties.

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The safety instruction decal is P/N EM948501

PAGE 6 — ESSICK EM-700S & 700P — PARTS & OPERATION MANUAL — REV. #8 (03/17/06)

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Essick Air EM-700P, EM-700S operation manual Safety Instructions, Rules for Safe Operation & Safety Decals