Congratulations on your purchase of Excalibur

Electronic’s BarMaster! BarMaster will show

you everything you need to know to mix great

drinks, from choosing the right cocktails to go with the

food and the occasion, to preparing them perfectly, to

serving them in the correct glasses.

Be s ur e, wh e n ev er you dr in k, d ri nk res po ns i-

bly an d n ev e r dri nk a nd d ri ve !

BarMaster is easy to use, but be
sure to use it safely. Before start-
ing, please read this manual thor-
oughly, especially noting safety,
care and battery info rm a t i o n .
Keep this manual for reference.

Activating the Batteries or Installing New Batteries

Carefully turn BarMaster over so
that the display side is face-down
on a soft surface, such as a towel
or m agazine. Find the batte ry
compartment on the left of the
unit’s back. (See diagram on page
Your BarMaster comes with two
AG10 batteries already loaded, but
you must activate them. To do this,
you do not have to remove the bat-
tery compartment. Simply pull out
the white tab.
Batteries should always be
installed by an adult. When you
need to replace the batteries, press
and slide the battery door off .
Remove the used batteries, dispos-
ing of them properly, and replace
them with two fresh AG10 batter-
ies, making sure the polarity (+
and -) matches the diagram in the
c o m p a rtment. Then replace t he
battery compartment door.

Layout of BarMaster

(Showing welcome
The lege nda ry King A rthur br a n-
dish ed a magi c swo rd , E x c a l i bu r,
f rom which we t ake our compa ny
n a m e. With this unique weapon in his
hands,he could not be vanquished.
Alt hou gh Exca lib ur Ele ctr o n i c s
c a n ’t c lai m t he m agi cal secre ts of
M e rl i n , Ki ng A rt h u r ’s cour t wiza rd ,
some time s o ur patent ed t ech nol og y
m ay ma ke it se em a s i f we cou ld.
Bar Mas ter is anoth er unm at che d
i n n ovati on of Exca lib ur E lec tro n i c s .
We ma ke you thi nk.