40T 030 45T 045 40T 060 40T 090
35T 090 45T 115 40T 120 45T 145
PLy Level Type
Press the + or - button to select the depth of search from 1 to 8 ply. A ply is one half move.
PLY 1 | PLY 2 | PLY 3 | PLY 4 |
PLY 5 | PLY 6 | PLY 7 | PLY 8 |
MAtE Solver Level Type
Press the + or - button to select the num- ber of moves to mate the program will search. nOnE will appear if no mate is found.
MAt 1 | MAt 2 | MAt 3 | MAt 4 |
MAt 5 | MAt 6 | MAt 7 | MAt 8 |
Note: You can only change the level while it is your turn to play.
Kings & Pawns Training
Piece Training
There are five special
these basics, just as a concert pianist con- tinues to practice the scales so that they remain second nature. Like any great trainer, LCD Chess will play you these special practice games.
First make sure you are at the start of a game. Now press TRAIN button, then repeatedly press the + key. The mini- games always include the king and pawns for both sides. In fact, one
The other four
Start with the basic king and pawns mini- game.
Make your first move. Your object, as in regular chess, is to checkmate the king. Normally, this means both sides will try to force a pawn through to the other side of the board safely to promote it to a queen. You'll learn lots of principles, tricks, and traps in this training mode that will win you many
Checkmate Training
The main objective in the game of Chess is to checkmate your opponents king. LCD Chess, has three special positions that are shown after the five piece train- ing mini games. The Black king will be in the center of the board in those positions. Select one of those positions to practice and improve your technique to check- mate your opponent’s king.