ALL IN:Choose this icon to place all of your remaining chips
in the pot, enabling you to stay in the game even if you don't
have enough chips to continue betting.
EXIT:Choose this icon to exit the current game and return to
the game menu.
On the 7 Card Stud opening screen, the cursor points to
the DEAL icon. Press the Abutton to place a $25 ante. On the
first deal, each player is dealt three cards; your three are face
up, and the third of the other two players' is also face up.
When it is your turn to bet (indicated by the revolving playing
card icon), use the DIRECTIONAL KEYPAD button and the
Abutton to select the amount you wish to bet, from $25 to
$250, and then choose CALL or RAISE. However, if you
decide to CALL, CHECK, or FOLD, there is no need to enter
a bet amount. Upon each turn, you have the opportunity to
CHECK, CALL, RAISE, or FOLD, depending on the circum-
stances. 7 Card Stud will only offer the available options for
each turn.
After the first round of betting, a fourth card is dealt face up
to each player.Another round of betting occurs, and then a
fifth card is dealt face up to each player. After another round
of betting, the sixth card is dealt, also face up. After another
round of betting, the seventh card is dealt, face up to you and
face down to the other players. Afinal round of betting occurs,
and then the player with the best five-card poker hand (see
page 8 for a ranking of poker hands) wins the pot.
Antes are cheap–don't get attached to them. If you have
apoor or mediocre hand, fold.
Upon each turn, you have the opportunity to CHECK, CALL,
RAISE, or FOLD, depending on the circumstances. Like Texas
Hold 'Em, 5 Card Draw will only offer the available options for
each turn.
After the first round of betting, the word HOLD will appear
at the top of each card. Use the arrow icon to select card(s) to
replace, in an effort to make the best five-card poker hand pos-
sible (see page 7 for a ranking of poker hands). Select the card
again if you've made a mistake. You are not obligated to release
any cards. Choose DEAL to replace the unheld cards and to
begin the second betting round. At the end of the second betting
round, the winner will automatically be awarded the pot and
each player's hand displayed.
DEAL:Choose this icon to start the game.
BET:Choose this icon to place the first
bet of the round.
CALL:Choose this icon to match the bet
of the preceding player.
RAISE:Choose this icon to match and raise the bet of the pre-
ceding player.
FOLD:Choose this icon to forfeit your hand. You lose all bets
played in the hand.
If you don't have at least a pair, fold.