SIS Configuration
and Control
This section describes remote control of the FOX T UWP 302 through SIS commands
and basic installation instructions for the FOX Extenders Control Program (see to the FOX
Extenders Control Program Help File for configuration and control details).
To enable serial control of the transmitter, use a computer running the HyperTerminal or
Extron DataViewer utility, or a control system to enable serial control of the transmitter.
Connect the computer to the FOX T UWP 302 through the front panel Config port or the
rear panel Remote RS-232 connector (see Installation and Operation on page 4).
The protocol for the RS-232 port is as follows: 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit,
no flow control.
Simple Instruction Set Control
SIS Programming Guide
Host-to-device and device-to-host communication
SIS commands consist of one or more characters per field. No special characters are
required to begin or end a command sequence. When the FOX T UWP 302 determines that
a command is valid, it executes the command and sends a response to the host device. All
responses from the transmitter or receiver to the host end with a carriage return and a line
feed (CR/LF = ]), which signals the end of the response character string. A string is one or
more characters.
Device-initiated messages
When a local event occurs, the device responds by sending a message to the host. The
device-initiated message may depend on whether the device is a multimode or singlemode
unit. They are listed below.
© Copyright 2013, Extron Electronics FOX T UWP 302 MM, Vx.xx, 60-1232-xx
© Copyright 2013, Extron Electronics FOX T UWP 302 SM, Vx.xx, 60-1232-xx
Vx.xx is the firmware version number.
The FOX T UWP 302 returns this message when there is any change to the input frequency
on the currently selected input.
1LnkX%2LnkX% VidX%AudX% X1)TX]
The FOX T UWP 302 returns this status message whenever a change in the fiber link, video,
or audio connection occurs. X% indicates whether the link is present or not present
(0 = not present, 1 = present) and X1) represents whether the device is multimode or
singlemode (MM = multimode, SM = singlemode).
13FOX T UWP 302 Wallplate Transmitter • SIS Configuration and Control