IPL 250 • Software-based Conguration and Control
•TheIPL 250 Setup Guide, which is shipped with the unit, and the help file
included with the software cover basic setup steps. They include instructions
and examples on how to use the basic tabs in GC.
•See the front and rear panel features sections in chapter 2 of this manual for
features and settings for the ports you will configure in GC.
driver subscription function within Global Configurator to download drivers for
all manufacturer and device types before you go out into the field.
•TheGlobalConguratorprojectle(*.gc2 or *.gcz) contains configuration settings
and it can be saved to a directory or folder for backup or for installation on
another IPL 250 controller. Saving a configuration is recommended before you
perform a firmware upgrade.
•GlobalCongurator3iscapableofloadingallGC2projectlesfromGCversion and up. GCZ files can be opened by clicking File > Open, by clicking the
toolbar icon, or by double-clicking on the GCZ file. GC2 and GCC files must be
imported, however.
• The IPL can be set up to allow configuration access to administrators only to
prevent other users from making changes to the settings, events, and drivers. If
an administrator password is set for the controller, non-administrator users can
select inputs, adjust output volume, and trigger some other device commands
from the GlobalViewer Control pages but are prevented from making any other
changes using GlobalViewer Web pages.
•IPaddresses,subnetmask,ande-mail addresses follow standard naming and
numbering protocol. The network administrator provides the IP addresses and
subnet mask to be used with this controller.
•Theunit name is any name (for example, Room107-ipl250, Lab1234control,
ConfRmSystem) that you want to use to label a specific IPL 250 unit. The default
is a combination of the product name and part of the hardware address. This can
be changed to your choice of alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).
A brief guide to Global Configurator’s tabs
In the upper right side of the GC window are several tabs that divide the program
into groups of functions you can view and configure. The left three, IP Link
Settings, Schedule, and Monitor, are displayed for all IP Link-enabled products.
Tabs to the right of those three vary in quantity, type, and layout, depending on the
product being configured. The figure below shows tabs that may be available when
you configure an IPL 250.
To learn about the functions available on each of these tabs, look in the Global
Configurator Help file. In the contents pane on the left, click on “Reference