SIS Programming and Control, cont’d
IPL 250 • SIS Programming and Control
Command ASCII (Telnet)
(host to IPL) URL Encoded (Web)
(host to IPL) Response
(IPL to host) Additional description
Serial port configuration and use
These commands apply to any port that uses RS-232 communication: both 1-way (output) and 2-way (bidirectional) RS-232 communication.
Send data string E X!
* X1&
* X2)
* X2!
RS} X@ X! = Specific port number (01-99):
Serial ports:
01 = COM1 port
02 = COM2 port
03 = COM3 port
00 = reserved or all ports
X@ = command data section (< 200 bytes).
X1& = time in tens of ms for the IPL to wait
until receipt of the first response character
before terminating the current receive
operation (default = 10 = 100 ms, max. =
32767). The response includes leading zeros.
X2) = time in tens of milliseconds (ms) for
the IPL to wait between characters being
received via a serial port before terminating
the current receive operation (default = 2 =
20 ms, max. = 32767). The response includes
leading zeros.
X2! = #L or #D. The letter parameter is case
sensitive (requires a capital “D” or capital
“L”). The response includes leading zeros.
L = length of the message to be received.
D = delimiter value.
# = byte count (for L) or a single ASCII
character expressed in decimal form (for D).
Byte count # can be from 0 to 32767, default
= 0. The ASCII decimal delimiter # value
can be from 0 to 00255, default = 0L.
For #L, # is a regular ASCII (character)
numeral. If the length is 50 bytes, # = 50.
For #D, # can be any character(s) or number(s),
but it is translated into decimal format for use in
the command.
Examples: A 3-byte message length = 3L.
A delimiter of $ would be entered as 36D (36 is
the decimal equivalent of the dollar sign).
A delimiter of ASCII 0A = 10D (line feed).
W X!
%2A X1&
%2A X2)
%2A X2!
RS| X@
response from command]
N * X1& * X2) * X2! is optional. X1& may be omitted only if X2) is also missing. If these three variables are not specified, the
default values are used. For this command, X1& and X2) must both a) equal zero or b) be nonzero, or c) both be omitted.
N For Web encoding for X@, convert nonalphanumeric characters to hex numbers. A space (hex = 20) is encoded as %20.
A plus sign (hex = 2B) is encoded as %2B.
Example: E 05*4*7*3L RS }<data>
W05%2A4%2A7%2A3L RS|<data>
response from command ]
N The data string (X@) in this RS command is limited to 200 bytes.
N Use the ASCII to decimal table below to convert the byte count number for X2! when using a delimiter (D).
ASCII to Decimal Conversion Table
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 LF CR
20 Esc
30 space ! # $ % &
40 ( ) * + , - . / 0 1
50 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;
60 < = > ? @ A B C D E
70 F G H I J K L M N O
80 P Q R S T U V W X Y
90 Z [ \ ] ^ _ a b c
100 d e f g h i j k l m
110 n o p q r s t u v w
120 x y z { | } ~ Del
ASCII (Character) to Decimal Conversion Table
To find the decimal equivalent of the ASCII character, add the
row heading and column heading numbers together.
LF = line feed
CR = carriage return (})
Esc = escape
Del = delete
Command/response table for SIS commands