SIS Programming and Control, cont’d
IPL 250 • SIS Programming and Control
Command/response table for SIS commands (continued)
Command ASCII (Telnet)
(host to IPL) URL Encoded (Web)
(host to IPL) Response
(IPL to host) Additional description
Read gateway IP address E CG}WCG| X1$ ]
Set verbose response mode on/
E X2@ CV}W X2@ CV|Vrb X2@ ]Enable or disable the verbose mode via this
command. For X2@:
0 = clear, default for Telnet connections;
1 = verbose mode is on
2 = send tagged responses for queries
3 = verbose mode is on and tagged
responses are sent for queries.
N If tagged responses are enabled, all read commands return the constant (tagged) string + the data or value, the same as in
responses for setting a value.
For example, for E CN }, the response is Ipn•
X1@ ] rather than just the data (X1@ ])
N Verbose mode is a communication mode in which the device responds with more information than it usually would—more than the device, itself, requires. For example, the IPL
can send out unsolicited information (such as notice of a change in some setting). That is an example of a verbose (wordy) relationship between the controller and a connected
device. Verbose mode creates more network traffic than usual, which can slow down network performance.
Verbose mode is usually enabled for troubleshooting and disabled for daily use.
Read verbose mode status E CV }WCV| X2@ ]
Get a connection listing E CC }WCC|{number of connections}]
Icc {number of connections}]
Display the number of currently active IP
Example: E CC }WCC|002]Example: This shows two client connections.
Password and security settings
Read connection’s security level E
CK }WCK | X5@ ]
or Pvl X5@ ] For X5@: 0 = not logged in
11 = user
12 = administrator.
The response includes leading zeros.
Set administrator password24 E X3#
CA }W X3#
CA |Ipa•X4! ]Set the administrator access password
(X3#, 4 to 12 alphanumeric characters).
The password is case sensitive. Special
characters (spaces, symbols) are not
allowed. X4! = Password to display on
screen (response to password query).
X4! is 4 asterisks (****) if a password has
been assigned, or it is an empty field ( )
if a password hasn’t been assigned.
Clear administrator password24 E•CA}W%20 CA ]Ipa•]Clear/remove all passwords (administrator
and user).
N A user password cannot be assigned if an administrator password does not exist. Also, if the administrator password is cleared, the user password is also cleared.
Read administrator password E CA }WCA| X4! ]