SIS Programming and Control, cont’d
IPL 250 • SIS Programming and Control
Command/response table for SIS commands (continued)
Command ASCII (Telnet)
(host to IPL) URL Encoded (Web)
(host to IPL) Response
(IPL to host) Additional description
Directory commands
Change or create a directory E path/directory/ CJ }The directory’s name must be composed
of alphanumeric characters and may
include the minus sign (hyphen, -) and the
colon (:). The first character must be a letter.
Case does not matter. No blank or space
characters are permitted in the name.
Include the full path, not just the name of
the directory. Nonalphanumeric characters
in the path (e.g. /) must be encoded to hex.
characters for use with a Web browser.
W path %2F directory %2F CJ|Dir•path/directory/]
N A directory does not fully exist until a file has been copied into that path. Also, the IPL operates differently from PC operating systems: files stored in and directories created in
the IPL may have the same names.
Example: E
majordirectory/subdirectory/next-level/ CJ}
W majordirectory %2F subdirectory %2F next-level %2F CJ |
Dir•majordirectory/subdirectory/next-level/ ]
In this case, the path is majordirectory/
subdirectory/. The directory that was just
created or changed to is called next-level.
Example: E
custompages/HTMLfiles/ CJ}
W custompages %2F HTMLfiles %2F CJ|This example just created a subdirectory for
storing the user’s custom-made HTML files.
The directory that was just created is called
Dir•custompages/HTMLfiles/ ]
Example: E
oak/CJ}W oak %2F CJ|Dir•oak]
Change back to the root directory E/CJ}W %2F CJ|Dir•/]
Go up one directory level E.. CJ}W %2E %2E CJ|Dir•path/directory/ ]
View the current directory E CJ W CJ|path/directory/ ]
N The current directory is determined on a per-connection basis. At the beginning of each IP connection/session, the current directory is selected as the root directory.
File handling commands
Erase the user-supplied Web page
and files24,28
E filename EF}W filename EF|Del•filename ]
Erase the current directory and
its files24,28
E/EF}W %2F EF|Ddl]
Erase the current directory and
its subdirectories24,28
E//EF}W %2F %2F EF|Ddl]