Your new BBaassssmmaann®440000//440000HHamplifier delivers the
Fender tone and quality that performing and recording
professionals demand. On stage, the BBaassssmmaann 440000pumps
350-watts of deep bass through twin 10” woofers with an adjustable
horn adding crisp, high-end sparkle. The 440000HH**powers as
many as two BBaassssmmaann441100HH or111155 bass enclosures.
Your BBaassssmmaann 440000//440000HHwas designed to sound great
with its eight equalization controls pointing straight up, but why
settle for great? In the studio or on the road, an arsenal of “tone-
tools” provide you with layers of sound-control: Standard BASS
and TREBLE controls are augmented by a potent semi-parametric
LOW, MID, HIGH EQ; three FREQUENCY knobs select the
frequency range that the corresponding trio of LEVEL knobs
boost/cut. EQ GAIN serves as a volume-balance when switching
ON/OFF the semi-parametric EQ, which can be done from the
remote FOOTSWITCH as well as the EQ ON/OFF switch.
Whether playing in a crowded, flat-sounding room, or a garage with
hard, reflective surfaces, you can “shift” your EQ balance with the
unique ROOM BALANCE control which compensates for various
room acoustics. Use the variable COMPRESSOR to produce
smoother tones and the ENHANCE switch to emphasize the high
and low ends of the spectrum for a fat, warm sound.
The BBaassssmmaann 440000//440000HH provides a balanced XLR
LINE OUT jack for a superior signal-to-noise ratio. Suitable
for output to recording equipment, the XLR LINE OUT is
enhanced with PRE/POST EQ switching, a LINE OUT LEVEL
control and a GROUND LIFT switch. Other professional
features of the BBaassssmmaann 440000//440000HHinclude an
PASSIVE/ACTIVE switch for bass guitars with active pre-
amps and a TUNER OUT jack for fast tune-up’s (with a MUTE
switch for silent-tuning). Connect external effects devices to
the EFFECTS SEND/RETURN jacks on your BBaassssmmaann
440000//440000HHfor unlimited sonic options.
**The BBaassssmmaann440000HHis the “head only” (amp without
speakers) version of the BBaassssmmaann440000. The 440000HH
descriptions and illustrations are identical to the 440000except
where noted. Use BBaassssmmaann441100HHand 111155bass
enclosures (speakers) with the BBaassssmmaann440000HHhead.
00 //// 444400
00HHHH–FFeeaattuurreessFFeeaattuurreessFFrroonntt PPaanneellFFrroonntt PPaanneellA. INPUT - Input jack for your bass guitar.
B. PASSIVE/ACTIVE - Switch OUT for most bass guitars (PASSIVE).
Switch IN for bass guitars with active pre-amps (ACTIVE).
C. GAIN - Adjusts the signal level of the pre-amplifier. NOTE: Use with
MASTER VOLUME {V} to control the overall volume output.
D. PRE-AMP CLIP LED - Indicates clipping (distortion) in the pre-
amplifier. If undesirable distortion is heard when this LED illuminates,
reduce GAIN {C} level.
E. PRE-AMP SIGNAL LED - Illuminates when a sufficient signal level is
present for proper operation of the Bassman 400/400H pre-amp
F. ROOM BALANCE - Rotate clockwise to emphasize high frequencies
(for dark-sounding rooms). Rotate counter-clockwise to emphasize
low frequencies (for bright-sounding rooms).
G. ENHANCE - Switch IN emphasizes bass and treble frequencies;
useful for slap-style and deep-toned bass playing. Switch OUT for
ENHANCE OFF; useful for finger-style bass playing.
H. BASS - Adjusts the low-frequency level (boost/cut) .
I. TREBLE - Adjusts the high-frequency level (boost/cut).
J. LOW LEVEL - Adjusts the low-frequency level (boost/cut) in the range
set by the LOW FREQ {K} knob.
K. LOW FREQ - Sets the low-frequency range that the LOW LEVEL {J}
knob adjusts.
L. MID LEVEL - Adjusts the mid-frequency level (boost/cut) in the range
set by the MID FREQ {M} knob.
M. MID FREQ - Sets the mid-frequency range that the MID LEVEL {L}
knob adjusts.
N. HIGH LEVEL - Adjusts the high-frequency level (boost/cut) in the
range set by the HIGH FREQ {O} knob.
O. HIGH FREQ - Sets the high-frequency range that the HIGH LEVEL
{N} knob adjusts.
P. EQ GAIN - Adjusts the signal level of the semi-parametric EQ circuit
when EQ ON/OFF {Q} switch is IN. (Sets balance between ON/OFF
EQ volume levels.)
Q. EQ ON/OFF - Switch IN activates semi-parametric EQ circuit. Switch
OUT bypasses EQ circuit. NOTE: This switch is overridden by the
FOOTSWITCH, when connected.
R. EQ LED - Illuminates when the semi-parametric EQ circuit is ON.
S. COMPRESSOR - Compresses the signal range for a smoother
sound. The COMPRESSOR is OFF when turned counter-clockwise
to “0.”
T. MUTE - Switch IN disables all Bassman 400/400H outputs and
speakers except TUNER OUT. Switch OUT for normal operation.
U. MUTE LED - Flashes when MUTE {T} switch is IN.
V. MASTER VOLUME - Adjusts the signal level of the power-amplifier.
Use with GAIN {C} to control the overall volume output.
W. PWR-AMP CLIP LED - Indicates clipping (distortion) in the power-
amplifier. If undesirable distortion is heard when this LED illuminates,
reduce the MASTER VOLUME {V} level.
X. POWER LED - Illuminates when the POWER SWITCH {Y} is ON and
the Bassman 400/400H is receiving power.
Push IN the upper-half to switch ON the Bassman 400/400H.
Push IN the lower-half to switch OFF the Bassman 400/400H.