FINAL SOUND 300i Loudspeaker Manual vs. 1.3 -US- c FS 2007RJ 13
What is the function of a center loudspeaker?
The center channel in a home theatre system is responsible to keep the voices and some special
effects locked on-screen. The Final Sound flat-panel center loudspeaker is a true line source, with a
single loudspeaker element to deliver precise localization. The Final Sound flat-panel center
loudspeaker is designed to function in harmony with the Final Sound subwoofer and the front and rear
flat panels.
Application 1: Center panel in a Final Sound home theatre configuration:
The Final Sound home theatre configuration consists of two front-loudspeakers, two rear/surround
loudspeakers, a center loudspeaker and a Final S110/S220 subwoofer. We recommend a symmetric
positioning of the loudspeakers with respect to the screen, as to enhance the “home cinema
experience”. Center loudspeaker and front loudspeaker panels should be located on the same
horizontal axis. Sometimes it’s even better to place the center loudspeaker slightly further away than
the front loudspeakers. You want to create an “arc” that places the 3 loudspeakers in the front at the
same distance from the listener as shown in the illustration.
How do I connect the Final Sound center loudspeaker panels safely?
The center panel connects identically to the other panels in the system.