Accuracy ± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )
Function Range 1Resolution Model 175 Model 177 Model 179
DC Amps460.00 mA
400.0 mA
6.000 A
10.00 A
0.01 mA
0.1 mA
0.001 A
0.01 A
1.0 % + 3 1.0 % + 3 1.0 % + 3
(AC- or DC- coupled,
V or A 2, 3 input )
99.99 Hz
999.9 Hz
9.999 kHz
99.99 kHz
0.01 Hz
0.1 Hz
0.001 kHz
0.01 kHz
0.1 % + 1 0.1 % + 1 0.1 % + 1
Temperature -40 °C to +400 °C
-40 °F to +752 °F0.1 °C
0.1 °FNA NA 1 % + 105
1 % + 185
MIN MAX AVG For DC functions, accuracy is the specified accuracy of the measurement function ± 12 counts for changes longer than
275 ms in duration.
For AC functions, accuracy is the specified accuracy of the measurement function ± 40 counts for changes longer than 1.2 s
in duration.
1. All AC voltage and AC current ranges are specified from 5 % of range to 100 % of range.
2. Frequency is specified from 2 Hz to 99.99 kHz in Volts and from 2 Hz to 30 kHz in Amps.
3. Below 2 Hz, the display shows zero Hz.
4. Amps input burden voltage (typical): 400 mA input 2 mV/A, 10 A input 37 mV/A.
5. Does not include error of the thermocouple probe.