Option and Accessory Information
6-4. Rack Slide Kit (M00-280-610)
The 5220A can be rack mounted in a 24-inch deep equipment rack using the Rack Slide
Kit, model M00-2 80-6 10. Use the following procedure to install the ki t:
1. Remove the horizontal side trim decal from both sides of the instrument.
2. Refer to Figure 6-2. Using the screws supplied with the kit, attach the chassis section
(B) of the slide kit to each side of the unit. Use the center row of mounting holes.
3. Install the cabinet section (D) of the center section (C) in the equipment rack.
4. Pull the center sec tion o f the slide out th rough the front o f the equip ment rack unt il it
locks in the extended position.
5. Depress the spring locks on the chassis section (B) and join sections B and C.
6. Push the instrument into the equipment rack and then pull it out to the extended
position. The spring locks should limit the rack slide travel.
6-5. Precision Y5020A Current Shunt
The Model Y5020A is a precision, high-current shunt recommended for use in calibrating
the Model 5220A Transcond uctance Amplifie r. An instru ction manu al is supp led with the