Loudspeakers choice
Your loudspeakers have been developed to be used under Stereo and Home Theater configurations. If you already use Electra 1000 Be on the front and want to move forward to Home Theater, it is paramount to use Electra 1000 Be product line center unit and surround loudspeakers. We recommend CC 1000 Be center units and SR 1000 Be surrounds. You can also use
A subwoofer SW 1000 Be is available.
Magnetic disturbance
The Electra 1000 Be line speakers (except CC 1000 Be) generate a magnetic leakage that may interfere with other sensitive household appliances. It is strongly advised not to place the speakers closer than 50cm to your TV screen. Frame geometry as well as colours can be severely distorted by a magnetic field if the loudspeaker is placed too close to the cathode ray tube.
Generally, every sensitive element (audio tapes, video tapes, magnetic data storages, projector and CRTS
CC1000 Be center loudspeaker positioning
CC 1000 Be center loudspeaker must be placed within close range of the screen for realistic dialogue reproduction. If a standard projection screen is used, the center unit must be placed right under the screen for optimal performance. If a perforated, acoustically transparent screen is used, the center unit can be placed
behind at the lower half of the screen. (fig. F)
SR 1000 Be loudspeakers installation
Securely fasten the fixation rails on
the wall using the provided plugs and then insert SR 1000 Be. (fig. G).
SR 1000 Be positioning Considering it is detrimental to perception, avoid placing SR 1000 Be surround loudspeakers too far back in the listening area. The best location can be obtain when SR 1000 Be surround loudspeakers make a
120° to 160° angle with respect to the listener. (fig. H).
Place SR 1000 be surround
loudspeakers significantly high (between 50 and 90 cm) above the listener’s ears.
SR 1000 Be Bi/Twin Modes
SR 1000 Be features a double Bi/Twin operating system allowing it to be used either in standard bipolar mode (Bi) or in double monopolar mode (Twin). Adequately defining parameters on the 3 positions mode selector and on the double input connector, providing one or two power amplifiers connection capability for each speaker, enables SR 1000 Be to implement 5.1, 6.1 or
7.1configurations using only one pair of surround loudspeakers. (fig. I) That selector authorizes the loudspeakers to work both together or divided in two groups ( and ) carrying different information to the
front and to the back of the listening area (fig. J). The three positions mode selector allows to choose between the Bipolar mode and two Twin modes
(Front and Front ), according to speaker direction (fig. K).
The use of a third or even a forth SR 1000 Be surround loudspeaker is still possible for the most advanced 6.1 and 7.1 configurations.