This information is necessary to our company to deal with your request. It is registered in our customer file and can give you the right to have
access to and correct the information that concerns you through our customer service (+33 477 435 700).
If you do not wish to have your data used by our partners on commercial purpose, tick this box.
If you do not wish to receive commercial propositions from our partners by e-mail, please tick this box.
You may receive commercial offers from our company for products similar to those you have bought.
If you do not wish to, tick that box.
The information given on this page will remain confidential.
For the validation of the Focal guarantee, send back this sheet within 10 days to the following address:
Focal-JMlab - BP 374 - 108, rue de l’Avenir - 42353 La Talaudière cedex - FRANCEYour Focal product:Model: Serial number:
Dealer’s name: City:
Date of your purchase: Price of your purchase:
Did you leave the product installation to your dealer’s care? - Yes - No
If not, why?
Your choice for the purchase of this Focal model was made according to: - Dealer‘s advice - Friend’s or family’s advice
- Visiting an exhibition/a show - Quality-price ratio
- Sound quality/listening room - Already own Focal products
- Reliability/manufacturing quality - Catalogues
- Design/Finish - French product
- Article in the press (if yes, specify the title of the
magazine) - Other :
Your audio/video equipment (brands and models) before the acquisition of Focal products:CD player/tuner: Multimedia player:
Navigation system: Amplifier:
Speakers: Enclosure/subwoofer:
Other elements:
Your hobbies:At home, do you own Hi-Fi loudspeakers? - Yes - No
If yes, specify the brand:
Do you read the press? - Yes - No
If yes, which magazine(s)?
About yourself:Your name: Your age: Your job:
Your full address:
Your e-mail address:
Bomba 27V1.indd 12Bomba 27V1.indd 12 23/04/07 14:51:3223/04/07 14:51:32