Finding Inflections

You can find the inflections of nouns, verbs, and certain other words.

1.At an entry screen or at a menu, type a word. For exam- ple, type examine at the English entry screen.

If you want, press EINGABE [ENTER] to see its dictionary entry.

2.Press + P [INFLECTIONS].

If the word you typed has more than one part of speech, first highlight the form you want and then press EINGABE [ENTER].

3.To see more inflections of theword press + P [INFLECTIONS] repeatedly, or hold and press A B .
4. To see the previous inflections,


hold and press A U F .5.Press C L E A R when finished.Understanding Inflections

When you are viewing inflections in their various tenses, you can press

HILFE [HELP] to see grammar help and descriptions of the inflections, as well as usage examples.

To return to the inflections, press