6. Tap to delete a category.

You must confirm the deletion. Tap OK (Palm OS® ) or Yes (Windows® CE) to confirm. Tap Cancel (Palm OS® ) or No (Windows® CE) to exit the dialog box without deleting the category.

Note: Any files assigned to a deleted category revert to being unassigned.

List of Documents

Each file type and category name contains a list of documents.

The list of documents consists of three parts: the number indicator, the document title and an icon. The number indicates the number of documents in the current folder. The document title or category name is underlined, indicating that it is a hyperlink. Tap the title to open the doc- ument. Tap the icon to access the Book Details dialog box and view the size of the document, assign the document to a category or delete the document. Tap browse... (Windows® CE) to open the Open dialog box and find a file on your PDA that you want to read in Mobipocket Reader.

Book Details

1.To see a document’s details, tap its icon ( for eBooks; for

eDocs; for eNews).

You see the Book Details dialog box.

Book Details dialog box

2. Tap or next to Category to see the drop-down list.

Category drop-down list

Previously created categories appear as options on this list.

3. Tap the category you want the title assigned to.

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