Using the Contents Menu |
| Using the Contents Menu |
33.Pinkeye & sties
36.Reye’s syndrome
37.Sore throats & tonsillitis
38.Stomach aches
40.Toddlers who say “no”
➤Typing NumbersYou can also find a category by typing the number in front of it. To type a number, hold ✩ and press a numbered key.
➤Using the Index Menu You can also go to the Index by pressing going to the main menus and then highlighting Index. Start typing an emergency to zoom directly to it. Press ENTER to go to the questions and then the advice.
Press INFO (red) to read the topic’s general reference information.
This category is divided into three main topics with many
43.Prevention of accidents Here you will find tips on everything from The risks as your child grows to Toy safety.
44.Immunizations (shots)
Select this topic to find out about specific vaccines, if vaccines are safe, if your child should receive a dpt, and when your child should be immunized.
45.Physical fitness
Select this topic to learn how much exercise your child needs and when and how to start. There’s also a word about smoking.